Discover Gas & Liquid Generator Innovations at Arab Lab 2024
From September 24-26, 2024 join us at ArabLab to for an enlightening journey through the latest trends and technologies in science, environment and chemicals. Experience firsthand the latest innovations of F-DGSi in gas and liquid generators, gain insights from our specialists and attend seminars to stay ahead of industry trends.
Secure your LC & GC workflow
Todays laboratories face numerous challenges posed by the use of pressurized cylinders for Hydrogen, Nitrogen or Air. However, embracing on-demand generation tackles the concerns on safety, efficiency, frequent cylinder replacements, and maintaining consistent purity levels.
At the F-DGSi’s booth 712 you will find the latest solutions in the on-demand Nitrogen supply to your LC-MS/MS instruments: the CALYPSO series. This range of Nitrogen generators offers you a choice between Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) and Membrane technologies to meet diverse purity and application requirements.
Secure your GC workflow with the COSMOS series; a modular solution that allows your laboratory to combine Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Zero Air generation in one compact and stackable system. Whether you require standard or high-purity models for GC detectors and carrier gases, the COSMOS series delivers unparalleled versatility and performance.
For applications requiring ultra-low temperatures stop by our booth to learn more on the CRYOGEN series; our latest innovation for on-site production of liquid Nitrogen from ambient air. The CRYOGEN series includes various model capable of delivering from 8 L/day up to 240 L/day to meet the needs of most applications requiring liquid nitrogen.
Discuss your purity and application needs with the F-DGSi team members to discover the best solution for your gas and liquid generation requirements.
Do not forget to mark your calender!
Event Details:
📅 24-26 September 2024
📍 Dubai World Trade Centre
Register now for free at: Visitors (arablab.com)